Zimbabweans battle money shortages as collectors buy hundred billion dollar notes on eBay

July 23, 2008

Amid Zimbabwe’s mind-boggling hyper inflation, a new 100 billion dollar bank note has more value as a novelty item on eBay than on the streets of the capital.

The note, launched this week, is worth enough to buy a loaf of bread _ if you can find one on Zimbabwe’s depleted store shelves. Meanwhile on eBay, the bill was on offer for nearly US$80.

Notes in the millions of dollars are useful only as toilet paper and it’s cheaper to light a fire with low denomination bills than with newspaper.

In the political and economic turmoil since disputed March 29 elections, prices have risen almost daily. Factories and businesses have shut down amid empty order books and chronic shortages of gasoline, power, water and spare parts for equipment repairs.

Zimbabweans battle money shortages as collectors buy hundred billion dollar notes on eBay – News.

I still want some of these!

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